Sold - 14510-14560 Josey Lane, Farmers Branch
Congrats to Jeanne, Larry and David!

Dallas, Austin and Houston Lead in Workers Returning to the Office Among Largest US Cities
At the Same Time, Houston and Dallas Are Home to Some of the Nation’s Lowest Occupancy Rates Dallas, Austin and Houston ranked first,...

Leased - 1227 Slocum Street, Dallas
Nice work Doug!

Sold = 16818 N Dallas Parkway, Dallas
Nice job Kara & David!

Leased - 2221 Manana Drive, Dallas
Nice job Scott & David!

2021 Summer Intern - Ryan Mortazavi
Go Ryan!

Announcement - John Morgan
John - we are glad to have you on our team!
Dallas could be back in HQ2 hunt if New York deal falls through
Just when Dallas thought it was a runner-up in the Amazon HQ2 beauty pageant, the city might have a second shot at the crown....